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If you're looking at this listing, buy it. This is everything your cheap one isn't. 38" chest with silly-cone filled E-cup looks and feels ah-mazing! Also, the hole in the back is essential. Not only does it keep you cool, but it makes putting it on and taking it off by yourself no longer a panic-inducing ordeal.Tip #1: Talcum powder, baby powder, or corn starch. Find or acquire some. Sprinkle liberally on all interior surfaces prior to wearing and add some more down the neck and under the arms every 30-60 minutes to keep you cool, dry, and unchaffed. To maximize application convenience, pour the powder into a clean restaurant-style reusable catsup or mustard bottle. You know, the ones that are just solid red or yellow with the conical tip? (You can get them for like a dollar at a restaurant supply store, so don't steal one!) That's the secret to getting your powder exactly where you need it to go.Tip #2: Wear a bra, you slut! E-cups are large and silicone is heavy. So unless you want people to think you're elderly in that dress, you'll need a real bra with underwire (No bralettes. In fact, just throw those in your spare sewing fabric bin right now. You have no other use for them) and preferably padded straps to keep these babies at the appropriate height that one would expect them to be on a 25-year-old naturally-equipped individual.
I am impressed with the how well this breastplate has held up. The other one I got from another company tore after 3 months but this one I got (E cup silicone filled) has last almost a year but the problem with the one I got the nipples stick out a little bit to far but other than that it a good buy thank you I would recommend it to anyone
I love it, but the one I ordered had a hole in the back. The one I received did not have the hole in the back and it had a small tear under the right arm. I trimmed the small tear and cut a hole in the back because my back was getting wet. I am hoping I did the right thing and it won't fall apart or rip. It is okay now.
I've bought breast plate before and these feel nice. I bought an E cup they seem to hit my build best.
I purchased 'G' cups as I wanted to really 'stand out' and by gosh they and I do. I have other chest plates, but I chose Cotton filled for these 'ladies' due to the size. The Silicon filled would have been much too heavy for longer time wear. I am impressed with the size and feel and for now the wearability. My only concern initially is that the 'vest' portion seems to fit 'tight' around my chest. More so than my other devises but maybe with time it will stretch just a bit. Better tight than loose and just hanging there. I put these on immediately after their arrival and washing them up. My wife arrived about 30 minutes later and loves them. She immediately squeezed them for touch/feel and approved and she removed her top and bra to rub herself against them (nipple to nipple) and again approved. Hopefully will be a fun night. Oh - I'd buy again and may yet get a different size. These 'G's will not be for casual nights on the town but special functions and around the house. Too much attention in ordinary circumstances. BTW - I am a crossdresser and do not hide it very well and do not intend to. But not Bi. Ladies only.Update: After wearing a few more times the 'vest' portion has stretched a bit and is so much more comfortable. I raised my stars to a 5. Love Them.