CYOMI アップグレードされたシリコン AG カップ胸当て
CYOMI アップグレードされたシリコン AG カップ胸当て
Cyomi アップグレードされたプロテーゼシリコン胸当ては、新しいアップグレードされたシリコンで作られており、非毒性、非アレルギー性、悪臭、オイル、反射がありません。アップデートされたプロセスにより、よりタイトで目に見えず、通気性があり、軽くて快適です。

位置 | 配送時間と送料 |
アメリカ |
3~7営業日 |
韓国、日本 シンガポール |
3~5営業日 |
カナダ |
5~10営業日 |
ヨーロッパ イギリス |
5~10営業日 |
オーストラリア ニュージーランド |
7~15営業日 |
他のすべて 国 |
15営業日以上 |
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問題がございましたらメールにてご連絡させていただきますので、アドレス帳にcyomicrossdress @gmail.comを追加してください。
メールアドレス: cyomicrossdress@gmail.comウェブサイト:
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… to have a large chest! I bought the H cup silicon filled chest plate and I’m super impressed! They are big and heavy and hang has real breasts should. They are soft and squeezable with realistic dark erect nipples. They are so fun to look at and play with. I’m thrilled with this chest plate after years of using individual fake breasts that fit into a bra. With this chest plate bras are optional!
This is the first breastplate I’ve owned, had a pair of C and DD breast forms before. Was timid on getting the cotton filled versus silicone b/c I wasn’t sure the cotton would get squished and not look good, but then didn’t want to pay the extra $40 for the silicone either.First try on was a little difficult to put on b/c the back folded over and bunches up. They are impressive when everything is on correctly. I will agree with other reviews that the spacing is a bit close but it does give you a lot of cleavage to show off. The biggest surprise was how much bounce they have when you walk and it feels natural, the breast forms I had before never really had this bounce.The only con I have is that, after about 10 minutes, I was sweating like crazy.
I have been having so much fun with this item. OMG! Read instructions and its a piece of cake. I modified a t-shirt to put on underneath in addition to baby powder for easy on and off. Great product!
These are very easy to put on and feel great. They are just weighty enough to not be too heavy. The nude was a bit darker than expected but probably is more of an issue on my part. Overall I would recommend these.
The breasts themselves are a little too close together on my body, but I'm fairly buff. If you're thin they should fit you well. Otherwise they're very nice. I got a C cup at first, but they were too big for my liking. Messaged softmary and they sent some that fit better for free!